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What a sad statement that is. But what does it mean? To me it means a person who has lived their life with fear, fear of offending, fear of taking an unusual step outside their safe routine, fear of being alone and perhaps staying with an unsuitable partner too long. Fear of saying something that may rock the boat Fear of the unknown. Our list of “fears” is endless.
Do you recognise the above? When we are stuck, frozen with fear, use the Angels as your guide.
We are part of the animal kingdom, still relying on our instincts and fears, when we feel danger (and it shows itself in many forms) we instantly react. Our hackles rise, we either run or try to defend ourselves, by denying, prevaricating, hitting out verbally or even physically.
We live in social groups or networks and we want to fit in and belong and be accepted. So in order to fit into our social network we try to do the “right thing” and “fit in” even though it may be against our own innate best interests.
But to be truly happy with oneself and find true contentment you must follow your heart and listen to your gut instinct. Do not be afraid to listen to that “silent voice” within oneself - ignore it at your peril.
The Angels are your guides and are here only to help. Ask and you will be granted your wish.
If you are troubled and need guidance pull an Angel card from your pack and the right card for that moment and situation will present itself.
Try to live your life by Angel guidance and live intuitively. It works believe me!
Just by knowing that the Angels are protecting and supporting us gives us strength to venture forward, try new things and test new boundaries.
Pull an Angel card in the morning. Ask yourself what is the subliminal meaning of the card you have been drawn to. Perhaps the message is loud and clear, sometimes it is more subtle. Just know that whatever happens is okay and meant to be and that the Angels will know what’s right for you and that even if you are going through pain, financial ruin, nothing is permanent and that all will pass and that this is a chance of growth and learning that whatever happens ultimately the Angels will protect you.
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