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Today there seems to be a growing number of people, who believe humanity is capable of achieving a much higher level of consciousness then was ever previously conceived. The shift toward personal self-awareness is expanding as rapidly, as the technological advances we are witnessing. The growing interest in Eastern philosophy, Martial Arts, Yogi, and Meditation, can certainly prove what I am saying. Science and Metaphysics are beginning to merge with spiritual theory, and we are discovering that there is much more to our physical world than what we can see with our eyes. We are exploring and re-examining the ancient wisdom from our past history. Religious ideology even appears to be changing at a rapid pace. Taking this all into account; what I see developing is a more unified understanding, and a much needed progression, of which I have label as a “A New age of Spirituality”, or can be referred to as “New age thinking”. Hardly any concept of new age thought is really that new, it is just appears to be more obvious from the newer discoveries and metaphysical knowledge we have recently acquired.
New age thinking can be grouped into a platform that covers a broad and diverse audience. There is many different therapies’ being utilized in a variety of ways, and yet they all seem to find acceptable agreement. They are all in accordance with the practice of self-awareness, and a belief of achieving a higher consciousness. They all believe in the connection to an omnipresent force of the unseen, and most will include the belief that “we are all one”. All new age thinkers will testify that life is so much more than what it appears on our physically plane. They are all developing a process of thought that has been shifted from outer appearances of circumstances, to an inner physic from which new discovery and meaning can be found. The significance of the spread of new age thinking is directly proportional to the overall improvement of humanity. Everyone who participates in their own spiritual awakening is inadvertently affecting humanity as a whole. This infectious desire for such change to occur is a realization being demonstrated from the hearts of many.
One particular path that has inspired this new age of spirituality, and has been practiced for centuries, is the belief in the power of thought. This understanding is qualified as spiritual because, it is practiced in the belief that our inner world can affect our outer world. This uses the basic principle of cause and effect, or what is now referred to today as, the law of attraction. It is perceived that what we think about the most will reactively manifest in our life. In the establishment of this awareness, one must first learn that it is possible to choose the type of thoughts one wishes to choose. This will begin the journey toward self-awareness because there will be no other choice but to look within. Regardless of which path one chooses to improve their life, the power of thought will be utilized, and be the necessary cause that can help or restrict the chosen outcome.
I have dedicated an ebook specifically designed to emphasis the importance of how one thinks, and how it is relevant to everyday living. I wanted to write a no-nonsense approach that will help anyone understand “the law of attraction”, and how it applies to our lives. This book can be read in around an hour for most people, and does not contain confusing high intellect terminology. I have spent a lot of time constructing a book that has reference to some of the greatest minds that ever lived, and I have listed many quotes that can back what I say in it. My ebook “Guide to self-awareness (Understanding the law of attraction)”, has been written for common people like myself, and clearly states how the law of attraction works in everybody’s life.
It is my understanding that there has always been a design for living that can be easily applied for anyone willing to be honest and look within themselves. The first thing necessary is to believe it, the second is to not make it a chore. Life was meant to be happy and prosperous; understanding the laws of the universe only enhances life. Once we realize the way we think about life truly makes a difference, the world becomes a playground!
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