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An Open Letter To Gemini For October 2024

By:Guy Doleman
Date: Tue,27 Aug 2024
Submitter:Guy Doleman

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An Open Letter To Gemini For October 2024

Dear Gemini,

I hope my letter finds you well.

The first week in October starts fortuitously with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic in the First House. This, I trust, will bring hope and optimism into your life, especially if things have been difficult for you recently. You are on a huge learning curve, and your attendance at the school of hard knocks has taught you some essential lessons which will prove immensely beneficial to you in the long term. Additionally, I suspect that many of my readers are considering initiating some currently secret plan, as indicated by the activity of Moon trine Uranus in that part of the horoscope related to confidential and private matters; and Moon opposition to Neptune on the Cusp of the Twelfth House. Please be careful who you trust with information because someone in whom you currently have faith might betray you. Something is brewing related to confidential information and your feelings concerning a relationship. All the above factors might embrace an individual from a different social/economic background, or, cultural/religious/political belief system.

I hope this offers you a little food for thought. But don't overreact. All I'm trying to say is this: don't get wrong-footed or caught out by doing or saying something well-meant but open to manipulation and misrepresentation. You have to be careful because some people like to think the worst of others, or, never miss an opportunity to make a little mischief for their own amusement. Consequently, ensure you don't present a hidden enemy with some ammunition to fire back at you. Just think twice before you let off steam, especially if you are feeling a little stressed, tired or angry.

Other Gemini might become aware of secret cabals forming in their working environment. Proceed judicially with a mind to preserving your reputation for discretion and good manners. There is a lot at stake. Furthermore, the horoscope I have calculated is dominated by not one - but two - Grand Trines which I sincerely believe is an exceedingly auspicious configuration and signals that all the hard work and self-sacrifice you invested into improving your life Spiritually, philosophically, emotionally and materially, is finally about to bear fruit.

However, Jupiter's influence might make you feel a little too buoyant, optimistic and perhaps a little too trusting or careless. So don’t drink too much and spill the beans to the wrong person. In short: be careful what you say and to whom you say it!

Changing tack for a moment. Venus Mars and Saturn form a Grand Trine aspect in Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces respectively. These combined energies suggest that many of my readers will begin to realise they are standing on the threshold of a new romance. Why? Because old obstacles and inhibiting restrictions crumble as you approach them. Incredibly, most of you will feel liberated beyond measure: exonerated, exalted and triumphant. Moreover, if your Natal Horoscope strikes a harmonious rapport with the current planetary alignments, you will be embraced in a celestial confluence of interesting and unexpected developments which are about to excite and enchant you. Perhaps imminent changes or fresh starts in the domestic sphere are possible. Consequently, I’m inclined to believe this is a good time to cast off some old restrictions or inhibitions and have more fun with new friends and acquaintances. Please bear in mind that anything worth doing is seldom easy or without a few complications. So expect a few bumps in the road, so to speak. But overall, you complete your self appointed tasks and overcome most problems with ease.

A second Grand Trine formed by Pluto (in Capricorn); Moon (in Virgo) and Uranus (in Taurus) is yet another indication that the majority of Gemini born will reap rewards as Pluto manifests his influence in a transforming way. Give yourself a pat on the back because you have managed to complete a worthwhile task while overcoming numerous difficulties.
Enjoy drinking from the cup of success because you have harnessed your creative abilities to think outside the box in order to recycle many aspects of your domestic, emotional and family situation. “Congratulations!”

Changing tack for a moment: I want to address my next remarks to those readers who have been interested in New Age subjects for a long time. I suspect that a significant number of you may organise mystical activities in your own home or that of an intimate friend. Failing that, I suspect many of you may huddle together in a small conclave of like minded individuals to plan a future magical weekend away; somewhere special like Stonehenge or the Avebury Stone Circle.

There is fun to be had this week as Venus – the planet of love and romance – metaphorically climbs into bed with passionate Mars. If this doesn't hint at some potentially boisterous and rowdy pleasure activities, I'll eat my hat! Moreover, I deduce Love is written big in the stars for some very lucky readers, especially those who work in a highly competitive and success oriented atmosphere. You might fall madly in love during working hours. This is going to be a very passionate affair, but sadly it may burn itself out — by mutual consent — in a short period of time. Although it will be fun while it lasts.

Mars Saturn energies seem to suggest that even though you have an innate distaste for confrontation someone may push your buttons to such an extent that they solicit an angry response from you. But you aren't one to harbour a grudge, so the matter will soon be forgotten. It's just a flash in the pan really but it demonstrates to onlookers you are a force to be reckoned with.

The second week in October: Sun and Mars energies imply speedy adaptations that might, in time, give birth to some new and passionate experiences. Old ways of doing things - and possibly a few little secrets - will be brushed under the carpet. Additionally emotional mileposts and poignant memories will be experienced as you proceed along unexplored highways and byways. For many readers these imminent and unashamedly hurried adaptations will leave an indelible mark upon you. Both character building and transformational. Life, as I'm sure you are aware, is all about adapting to change. We are all called upon, from time to time, to try something new or go over old ground with the express intent of evolving and getting things right the second time around. Nothing remains the same forever. And I firmly believe the majority of my readers will embrace these new and exciting changes wisely.

Changing tack once again: Mars in the house of communications may have special significance for someone you have rubbed shoulders with in a restaurant, snack bar or domestic setting. Did you share a few juicy nuggets of information about a mutual friend with them? Well, it seems someone else got wind of the same information and chose to go public. But the whistle blower isn’t the person you confided in, so don’t blame them; OK?

A Moon square Neptune aspect suggests this may be an appropriate juncture to communicate honestly and directly about an issue of a very sensitive nature. Has something been playing on your mind for a long period of time? It isn’t something you would bring up in casual conversation although it is something you wouldn’t want to keep from someone special. I think I have said enough. The ball is in your court now.

Returning to more convivial and optimistic astrological aspects: a Mercury and Mars contact strongly suggests you might feel embolden enough to question the accuracy and reliability of some statements and assumptions expressed by one prominent individual to whom you usually show the greatest respect. You are able to verbally defend yourself and get your point across in an accurate and forceful manner.

Mercury and Jupiter energies promote an expansive and optimistic outlook on life. You become more relaxed and feel at ease in those kinds of social settings you would have avoided even just a short while ago. You begin to have more faith in yourself. Nagging doubts become less frequent. Indeed, your self-reliance and authority captivates the interest of those around you. What I'm trying to say is that you project an air of competence and wisdom which inspires the trust of people, many of whom may do you a good turn in the future. Having said that, it will do your career prospects no harm whatsoever to take advantage of this potentially propitious time to burn the midnight oil in study.

Venus, Mars and Saturn energies combine to tempt a minority of my readers — especially those whose Natal Horoscope inclines them to sexual duplicity — to perform actions they may later regret. Conversely, the majority of readers will repulse illicit carnal temptations by applying the wholesome self-discipline of Saturn.

Continuing in my attempt to extrapolate meaning from the above astrological significators: In addition, joint financial responsibilities like a mortgage or complications created by a shared joint income might provide a starting point for protracted discussions involving a third party, perhaps someone like a solicitor or a bank's financial advisor. However, the eventual outcome seems to benefit everyone concerned to some degree. Having said that, some minor rearrangements may take a little time to get used to, but on the whole you'll be pleased with the outcome.

The third week in October starts well for the majority of my readers. Things are looking very good for you as jovial Jupiter energises marital relationships and bestows a feeling of contentment upon anything to do with shared interests, harmony and interpersonal cooperation.

Both Jupiter and Neptune are in a position to influence your decisions relating to very intimate areas of your life. This is great at one level, but an inherent danger is that you might make some flawed choices that have adverse long term ramifications. Avoid the excessive use of alcohol or other substances at this time. Don't mimic the behaviour of others just because your friends do. Proceed with caution at all times and don't throw the baby out with the bath water, if you get my drift. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Some things take time to change and applying too much haste can be counter productive in the long term.

Furthermore, I'd respectfully suggest that the above astral influences of both Jupiter and Neptune can be interpreted differently for long term married couples. For example, let's assume that both you and your partner share a desire to develop your own interests and enthusiasms with more independence. That's a great idea in most circumstances, especially if the restrictions placed upon you both have resulted in the exchange of some heated words. However, don't overlook the option of doing something new and exciting together. Exhaust all your options before you make your minds up, that's all I’m saying.

The final week in October is intriguing to say the least. I say this because it might be an appropriate time to dust-off that old manuscript you hid in a cupboard many years ago. Why not consider both publishing and promoting it yourself. Do a little research to see how others proceed. It can’t hurt just to explore your options. Alternatively, if you are a dedicated and conscientious wage-slave, be careful not to forget some vital details or mess-up an important assignment that is entrusted to you. Furthermore, keep your plans flexible and allow some “wriggle-room” to accommodate last minute changes and surprises. Remember the old saying “the devil is in the detail”.

Mars opposition Pluto suggests that you may seek to terminate a number of old friendships which have passed their sell-by date in order to make way for new ones. Try to do this calmly. Just imagine how you would feel if a public show of emotions were to be filmed on a stranger's phone and subsequently posted on social media for the amusement of total strangers.

Mars and Uranus energies blend to promote your desire to experience the new and unusual. You want to transcend all boundaries and do your “own thing” without hindrance or limitations. This is great if you are an opinion leader on social media, as it will undoubtedly stimulate your originality in artistic and social interactions. As I say, you want more freedom to be your total authentic self. Nevertheless, you must still acknowledge the rights of others and the rule of law. Consequently, think well before you act in haste.

Finally, I want to end my letter on a high note. So let me share with you the good news that this is potentially an excellent week for family fun. Additionally, many of you might grasp the opportunity to initiate a new romance or reinvigorate an established one. Without a doubt, the majority of Gemini will revel in multiple opportunities to enjoy fun and games all round. Last but not least: a minority of highly evolved Gemini might lift the veil of illusion to find the elusive key to ultimate happiness which makes their life complete. Consequently, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you all and wish you every happiness.

Well folks that's me all written out for this letter. So until I write again, “God Bless and Protect”. Bye bye.

Your sincerely,

Guy Doleman: Astrologer

PS. All dates are approximations.
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