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Archangel Metatron: Art: Asking about God:
Moving forward: Consciousness: Ego backs fear:
At this time my focus and awareness were on Archangel Metatron and the idea of going to Findhorn, where this divine energy can surface on earth and then promptly put it on the back burner for later.
I looked up his profile and connected to him, he was bringing my awareness to the Metatron cube and the flower of life.
I started to draw the Metatron cube, as a whole and in its parts, it was impressing me, I was being told, that while I was doing these drawings, I was learning how the geometric shapes are in a deeper part of me and the earths systems, and that I was going to use these, to help to bring in the new earth energy. I also drew the flower of life, that is the feminine of the cube.
These were hard to draw and get right because they are exact and when I got one line wrong none of the other lines would fit.
I just kept going with it, drawing it over again and again, I was given the reason for this, it is the way it will become hardwired into my brain and being as I was doing it, it took me into a different space in my head that was easy, and I forgot all my worries.
This was the beginning of my artwork for the ascension.
I asked about God:
I always believed that there was a God out there, in heaven:
I asked… how real is that?
This was the answer: there is a divine source of consciousness, intelligence and unconditional love, everyone has this source within their physical body that is the representation of god on earth, it is not outside, it is in your physical body as your true being, soul-self.
You live in an interactive, intelligent, inter- connected, conscious, self-perpetuating, self-organising, regenerating, biological system, so that you can become sentient beings, experiencing emotions, feelings, intuition, imagination, love, and hate, for the period that you are here on earth, these experiences go back to the source.
You are controlled by the frequency of this and cannot know all the greater picture, it’s beyond your physical system, you are only visitors here and are not expected, to solve the ‘big’ questions, you are expected to explore this environment to its fullest potential, in whatever lifestyle you have chosen. Then leave and go back to source, the experiences and adjustments go back with you.
The god domain cannot be known in the same way as you know your physical self, it can be known by reaching within, through your feelings, heart, love consciousness and inner knowing, it is your essence.
My interpretation of this is…. I understand that the divine source is my essence, it’s energy that’s never born and never dies it’s the God soul-self within.
The world is prone to aggression, power, control, greed, war; these experiences have created fear, in our world where polarity and separation is present.
Through the connection to the god soul-self changes can be made, not to change the outcome, this has been written in my life plan, but to change the way of my life drama is to help me to deal with them.
As a child I have been downloaded with beliefs on all aspects of fear, I can delete this old stuff, giving myself a new set of rules, being directed by the god soul-self.
The thing about reality; is that what you believe about yourselves creates your life.
Our parents, shape us with knowledge and beliefs that they have been given, we live them as if they are our own. It’s a good system, because it shows us how to live in our society, as we grow up.
We might look for reasons for our lifestyle and beliefs but not all people are questioners, but if you are, life sometimes does not make any sense.
These key points are a way to progress beyond these given beliefs and find the true being that you are, to find the attachment to the god Soul self within.
These are key points for changing our reality and methods for self-progress.
1. There is no set reality.
2. We live in a totally connected world.
3. Consciousness is the basis of all physical life.
4. We create our own reality, through our given beliefs and opinions.
5. Meditation: is the key to change our perspective.
6. Meditation: can help you to get in touch, with the true being that you are.
7. Practice meditation to be in the flow of our universe.
8. Know, that our perceptions, are acted out through our nervous system.
9. Know, that our brain and nervous system restricts the frequency vibration of our life.
10. To change a belief that’s hard wired, we change our thoughts.
These are the science and spiritual aspects of reality by people who have analysed and experimented with it, one more fact; what we think is what we create; know that like attracts like; our light will attract the same light to us.
Moving forward:
To move forwards in our spiritual and physical growth is one of choices that we make, but many do not want to try.
It’s important to keep our thoughts feeling and emotions, functioning through our heart/brain coherence with unconditional love, compassion and empathy, to help ourselves to move forwards in our spiritual understanding
Our heart gives out more energy, than our brains. See ‘heart math institute’ for more information, on how important heart felt love is to our life, expand and give it out, it will help, to change the frequency of the planet.
There is no separation in this universe at all! everything is interconnected and is a sea of energy, this is not a new concept; it has been around since the dawn of life.
People have their own individual vibration and frequency that is a part of the sea of potential energy, it has been chosen by themselves from the source.
Every person has chosen their lifepath and all the people they meet while living on earth as their associates, friends, enemy’s, loved ones, children, and all others who they mix and mingle with during their life, these people will help them to make decision and get the best out of life.
Still banging on about Consciousness:
The subject of consciousness is far-reaching and un-provable, within the science world. But in our physical living world, it plays an enormous part; there is so much speculation about it but no physical proof of something that is so obvious to our everyday living.
We know and experience conscious awareness of our body, living, environment, our relationships with others, our thoughts, emotions and feelings, both positive and negative, all the time.
Ask a scientist what is consciousness? The answer comes back ‘we do not know’. No-one can explain it however many people have studied it for eons of time.
F/N. All these experiences have opened a different aspect on healing, I am aware of being mindful of the conscious, focused, heartfelt love, for the ALL.
The Ego Backs Our Fears:
Gregg Braden and Jung say the ego is the energy that drives my fears by the negative things I am told in this world.
I can tell myself that I do not want it anymore, and work towards changing these aspects in life.
There are experiments that show how negative thoughts affect frozen water, the images of this are dark, heavy and jagged not a smooth crystal pattern it’s not in balance.
Negative gossip is also backed up by ego and it’s destructive,e and negative energy also kills plants.
Anger or negative gossip is a way of stealing another person energy.
Energy prevails our earth, it comes from the air, sun, plants, trees, and water, and food. We do not have to steal it by emotional means, all I need to do is walk in the air with conscious thoughts of receiving the chi energy.
Chi is vital energy and everywhere in everything, nothing can live without it, when I consciously think and focus my love while in nature, I am receiving energy 10.000-fold.
By understanding that I am connected I know that the way I act has a reverberation through the consciousness of the unified field, so when I am sending out angry thoughts, there will be repercussion, becoming conscious of this fact and using it, is a good start on the road of change.
My body is an organic house for my conscious soul self and spirit while on earth.
It is an organic machine that holds all the information to work chemically and physically along with the given beliefs and fears of everyone’s life form.
There are chemical changes that happen with the beliefs that creates the life patterns of the individual life force, the body just acts and re-acts to these processes.
“Everything within you has crystal structure’s, in science, its atoms, strings, max plank scale, the smallest thing that science can measure has the crystal symmetrical structures, that is big enough to hold a universe.
The inner space of you is as big as the mansions of universes and beyond, deep within each atom of your body is the space for everything that ever existed all knowledge, the portals are your chakras, allow them to breath with the vastness of the spaces they are holding.
This brought me back to the images I was drawing within the Metatron cube, as I was doing this, I could feel the energy of them inside my heart/solar plexus, and I realised that there was inner healing going on.
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