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Some people, who are naturally gifted in the arena of the spirit world, fear their skill and ability. Fear is a powerful force within us all. It can grow phenomenally just because we fail to understand ourselves. As human beings tend to fear 'the unknown'. People often ask me "what if I see something bad?" Nothing is bad. All I can say is view everything you see aas an opportunity to understand something or help someone along their path in life. The harsh truth is we all die. This is a fact of living. Unfortunately, some people will leave earlier than others in life. There is no rhyme or reason, no cosmic order, it is just a fact of life. Often the role for seeing something 'bad' is to help another person prepare or understand their own challenges.
When people are just developing their psychic abilities, they haven't learned how to discern between a true vision or a picture that their ego might be creating, and this can be very frightening. But let’s break down what fear really is. We know that it is a powerful emotion that many of us strive to get rid of or hide, but it has an important function. It is our inbuilt warning device that tells us about the unknown and the possible dangers of something being difficult or dangerous. Fear makes us sit up and pay attention. To evaluate the situation we are in and choose the appropriate action. So now we know it is a very important part of our make-up. If we completely eliminated it from our lives, we would do dangerous even fatal things without properly thinking it through. But if we allow ourselves to become over-whelmed or controlled by fear; the solution is not to eliminate fear entirely, but to bring it into proper balance.
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