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When we start to release the layers of dross, control, conditioning and systematic programming of duality, we start to see our current friendships from a new point of perception. We are shifting from a point of truth which was holding us tightly into these conditional friendships, to a point of elastic revelation about what is true in our heart now and the roles that they played to us.
Every friendship and way of relating has served us in the remembering our true self, by releasing karma’s, behaviours, ancestral patterns, earth complexities and soul personalities, It has helped us to experience controls and fears that we were clinging on dearly to as we did not know what was outside our sphere of safety. Steadily we grew through these friendships (control ships/ rememberings) and person by person we started to work our way towards Unconditional Friendships.
Disclaimer - Now before everyone gets the cosmic knife out and starts cutting away at there stream of friends like a maniac, it’s important to understand that each friendship has been relevant for specific reasons in your existence and some of them may still be valid for your experience right now. So please be solid within your heart before swiping at anything!
Once rooted in the heart the letting go of the old begins, of all these people, places, systems of belief which we have accepted until NOW. One by one we unweave the patterns of our personality and behaviours having many aha moments about what every single relationship was helping us to remember once more. Sometimes this can be painful and sometimes ecstatic with every feeling in between. Now this is a pretty huge thing to undertake and also exhausting as you are constantly delving into your heart allowing all of the old pains, strains, thoughts and emotions come to the surface. Letting go and feeling balanced and empowered is the desired outcome once each relationship is aligned with your growing truthful self.
All of us on the path of heartfelt truth go through this process, it’s a necessary development tool which provides full alignment when you have mastered your past self. All of the sacrifices (making sacred from the heart) are worth their weight in Gold once this refinement has happened. I can guarantee at many points in this process your bed will become your best friend as recalibration after recalibration happens, which is just hugely exhausting.
It seems like a never ending process of refinement until at last you see the shining self which no longer needs anything from anyone else. It’s a point where no one can hook any emotion, feeling, thought pattern into your energy field and you can actually feel your own flow of magnificence. This is not an ego magnificence but a loving magnificence that everything is “Just Fine” in the world and everyone is where they should be.
At this point your soul-ships (unconditional friendships) come sailing into port and life just starts to flow with a magnificent ease, your soul group are grouping around you and forming the bridges of light that will enable you to carry out your soul group tasks which you chose to undertake. It’s where you have solid Foundations into your Shining self (I Am Presence) but are aware of the collective and are now operating for the highest good of the collective, by totally loving yourself and caring for yourself with true abundance. Here is the sigh of relief that will never end! You have reached the top of the mountain and now the sky is Infinite.
Diamond Light - Ryan
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