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Should I have a pet? Do you think about the idea of getting a pet or pets? If so you need to think carefully unless you are anticipating getting something small and easy to take care of. Something such as a gold fish is far easier to look after and if you tire of it it is easy to rehome. But if you get a dog and then your situation changes or you get tired of it that poor little creature is dependant on you not just for shelter and food but also for love. Just as children can get upset and disturbed if they are sent from one place to another that little dog can too. Puppies from animal farms are often traumatised simply because they have been living iin solitary conditions with no human warmth and you can quickly spot such a little victim by the fact that he finds it hard to be stroked, cuddled or held.
I once took in a chihuaha puppy that had come from a puppy farm and it was perfect in size and in looks. He had beautiful white fur and was quite handsome but if anyone went near him he would hide behind the sofa and shake. He often thought to himself that he did not want to mix with my other dog or go near me and it took me about three years to get him to feel it was alright to sit on my lap and let me hold him. If I had then just thrown him away like a used tissue that could have set it all back and damaged him
Think of the pet when making this decision. If you are lonely and you want to have a pet to fill the emptiness or give you something to talk to and be company to you that is fine if you are fair to your new friend. But if your idea of having this new friend is to be out at work for about ten hours a day with it sitting waiting and waiting alone most of the time that is selfish.
Your new friend needs exercise, company, socialising and love.
If you are going to get a pet and then be busy taking care of a baby that is unfair too. Do not just use a new friend to suit you, think of it's needs too. If you are strapped for money then get a cheap pet, a small dog rather than a big dog. But remember things like insurance and vets' bills. Should I have a pet?
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