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Best-selling Self-Realization Author, Guy Finley
You break free of unhappy thoughts and emotions by seeing that, even though it may feel that way at the moment, you are not owned by them. You are only temporarily occupied. Seeing this important difference instantly changes your attitude toward any stressful character that attempts to intimidate you into giving it authority over your life. As you come to own yourself, which is the sole purpose of this life, it becomes impossible to ever think or feel that you are owned by anything or anyone else. This is the only true strength.
Do you remember The Wizard of Oz and how in their first meetings with the wizard, Dorothy and her lovable friends were so terrified? Each time the wizard spoke, his voice rolled through the grand hall like thunder! And how it appeared to the small band of friends, as they stood there shaking, that this mighty wizard had the power to hurl around spears of flame and smoke? To them, he seemed like a mighty being, maybe even a god--that is until Toto, Dorothy's little dog, pulled back a certain curtain that exposed a strange little man standing at an elaborate control panel. Whoever this man was, he was very busy pushing buttons and pulling on levers and talking a mile a minute into a microphone. At the same instant that he would push a button or pull a lever, flames or smoke would billow through the hall. And each time he spoke in his tiny voice into the microphone, the hall would be filled with the roar of the wizard's voice shouting out the exact same words. Suddenly it was obvious to Dorothy that the great "wizard" was in reality just a powerful projection created by the little man hiding behind the curtain.
In fact, this little man was so involved with his act that he didn't know his hiding place had been discovered until Dorothy sternly told him to stop his performance. But even as Dorothy stood there, shocked at the cruel trick that had been played on her, she realized in the same instant that there was no more reason to be scared and troubled. The show was over! And, it was in her seeing that there came her freedom. You will experience the same welcome relief each time you wake up and see through whatever the illusion may be in your life that is limiting your happiness.
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