Gregory Haye - Journeys into Consciousness Message Board and Announcement
Date: Wed,19 Sep 2012
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Message Board
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Announcement to Close Show
Dated: 15th Jan 2011
It's with great sadness that the "Journeys into Consciousness" show with Gregory Haye has now come to an end. Due to circumstances beyond our control, Mick & Sylvie are unable to continue producing the show as its drawn unsettling experiences their way and become too difficult to work.
Perhaps the content was too revealing. We wish them all the best for their onward journey.
We also thank everybody who took part in providing such thought provoking questions. We hope in some way that it has opened people's minds to the greater reality and how the world really is. Never give up speaking your truth and pushing for a better world. Remember thoughts are living things, but also action and speaking up account for a lot too, so use these tools wisely.
It's been a real pleasure for us to host this show and work with Mick, Sylvie, Gregory and our audience to bring it about.
Onwards and Upwards.
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